Unfortunately, we do not offer money back. If the customer is not satisfied with the service, we can refund money to your credit balance, and you can purchase some other service. We strive to keep our customers happy.
Yes!, your information and data is protected 100%, we pay a lot of attention to this, because this is one of the main things
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A very positive experience, the support is phenomenal, they are always there to meet what is very important to us, warm recommendations for the digital hostig
Igor Ilic
For a long time, we are working with digial hosting and I can only say that they are satisfied with both the support and the quality of their services
Adnan Čavkušić
If you are planning something professionally, then digital hosting is what you need, for two years we have been working together and until now we had no problems, the support that is always there to solve any problem for us completely free.
Far far away, behind the word moun tains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of
Igor Ilic